A Thrilling Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and YAHAHA Studios

Digi & Game Center is thrilled to announce a new exciting partnership with YAHAHA Studios

YAHAHA is a UGC all-in-one game development platform that makes creating 3D multiplayer games easy without a need to know how to code. Yahaha takes a high-level approach offering an intuitive editor for game development with drag-and-drop-ready components and logic. Headquartered in Helsinki and founded by a team of Unity veterans in 2020, the platform launched an early alpha version this year in April and went on to amass over 100,000 creators on both PC and Mac.


Digi & Game Center has built an incredible game ecosystem in central Finland. We look forward to this partnership to help support more people to step into the game industry and support indie developers and studios in bringing their ideas to life,” says Pengfei Zhang, Co-Founder and COO at Yahaha Studios.


We at Digi & Game Center believe that this partnership is highly beneficial for both parties. DGC works closely with students and future professionals, so we can promote YAHAHA easily to them. Since the user doesn’t need prior coding experience, the platform is great when you’re starting. This makes it easily accessible for people who want to try game development.

This partnership with YAHAHA Studios is significant for us as it allows us to build the ecosystem further. We believe it will open up new opportunities in the Central Finland area.

Learn more about YAHAHA Studios:



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Exciting Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and K-S Konttoripiste Oy

Digi & Game Center is thrilled to announce a new exciting partnership with K-S Konttoripiste Oy

K-S Konttoripiste Oy is a Finnish expert company selling office equipment. The product range includes
computers and mobile devices, multifunctional devices and printing solutions, info- and interactive screens,
coffee machines and office furniture. K-S Konttoripiste also offers comprehensive ICT services for
companies and associations.

“We operate on a turnkey basis and we also take care for the maintenance of the devices we sell,” says
Account Manager Mikko Nirkkonen, K-S Konttoripiste Oy.

Digi & Game Center
offers its customers and partners a great framework and the opportunity to succeed.
At K-S Konttoripiste, we want to do our part to support, but also to develop as part of Digi & Game Center’s
network of experts.


We at Digi & Game Center got a big professional information screen with software in the shared spaces. It allows us to show relevant information with it to our visitors. Also, the companies which reside in DGC gain partner pricing from K-S Konttoripiste.

KSKP:n logo

Learn more about K-S Konttoripiste Oy:


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Welcome to learn about Digi & Game Center’s activities! 💜

Open doors DGCJKL

Welcome to learn about Digi & Game Center’s activities! 

Welcome to learn about Digi & Game Center’s activities!  Digi & Game Center is an ecosystem for the development of the digital and game industry, around which a large group of entrepreneurs, students and other actors interested in the digital world have gathered! GamePit Matara and our stage and studio space are located within the red brick walls of DGC in Tourula, and we invite those interested in our activities to visit us every other Tuesday! During the open doors, it is possible to get to know the GamePit gaming space and our e-sports activities, marvel at the studio equipment with recording and streaming possibilities, test VR gaming equipment and get answers to mind-boggling questions from our experts.


► WHAT? Digi & Game Center open doors
► WHERE? Matarankatu 2, second floor
► WHEN? Every second Tuesday from 13:00 to 16:00 – starting from 4th of Oct 2022


How to get to the Digi & Game Center?


Hope to see you at DGC! 

Expa logo

Learn more about Peliosuuskunta Expa:

at website: https://expa.fi/


Learn more about JAMK :

Study Game Production and become a BBA in our degree programme in business information technology

more details at website: https://www.jamk.fi/en/Apply-to-Jamk/bachelors-degree/study-game-production-and-become-a-bba-in-our-degree-programme-in-business-information-technology

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The work to produce a Jyväskylä region game industry report has been started!

Game Insustry report Central Finland

We Need Your Help. WE NEED DATA

We want Central Finland to be the powerhouse ecosystem of the games industry in Finland. No matter if it is about developing games or products, doing e-sport activities, doing research studies of it or using the game technology in other industries. The Game Industry is an international and usually scalable business and that is what this region needs to help to grow.


Now is our time to shine.


To that end, the city of Jyväskylä has asked Peliosuuskunta Expa to produce a game  industry report in the Central Finland region. The data will include how many businesses operate, their products, turnover, employment, forecasts, education, wellbeing and also how many use the services and networks of the Peliosuuskunta Expa, IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub and Dig & Game Center. So please be active and let others know too if they have not been in contact with us yet.


Why is there a need for a Game Industry report from Central Finland?

All the open knowledge and the data from this report will be used for the benefit of the Industry in the region. There have been smaller size surveys about this subject back in the past, but now we have a great opportunity to do this properly and what is most important is that we can do this annually.


The Chairman of Peliosuuskunta Expa, Valtteri Lahti says that “For the past 10 years Expa has been an active grassroots operation with a simple goal: getting things done to boost the local game and digi scene. We’ve helped companies get started, we’ve been involved in numerous successful projects and we’ve maintained and developed the local digi and game community continuously. We have acquired and accumulated huge amounts of information about the state of the industry, the opportunities and challenges that companies face, connections to other industries, and national and international networks. It’s magnificent to be finally able to structure all this valuable information into a single clear document that will be updated every year henceforth.”


Once complete, this report will be available for everyone who has an interest in the sector both public and private.

“The industry report gives us an overview of the development of the game industry and the opportunity to be on the pulse of one of the fastest growing and changing industries.”  Says Anne Sandelin, Director of Business Development and Employment, City of Jyväskylä


Then, together we can make a development strategy to push us all up, over and beyond! 

So we need your help to gather data and let us know about any small scale developers in the games industry that are outside our radar. No matter what size and stage of development, we are all important. 


Below is a quick and easy form to help us in this process. 


Link to the questionnaire https://forms.gle/yeq4Qbt4E3PvWUGN8

No trade secrets or sensitive data will be required. 

Expa logo

Learn more about Peliosuuskunta Expa:

Peliosuuskunta Expa at their website: https://expa.fi/

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Cool Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and Seltimil Oy

Partnership Banner_Seltimil_DGCJKL

Digi & Game Center is super excited to announce new cool partnership with Seltimil Oy

Seltimil Oy (Limited Liability Company) is Finnish private owned telecommunications company.  Founded in 2006.

The company is dedicated to provide next generation broadband connections in central Finland region, operator network services and FTTx infrastructure consultancy. Seltimil Oy provides Data Center services from a Data Center located in Jyväskylä.


”Cooperation is mutually very benefical and we can help creating new business together” says Pertti Salmijärvi, CEO, Seltimil Oy


We at Digi & Game Center are very excited with this partnership with local provider Seltimil Oy to take services and internet in the DGC premises to the next level and make success stories together and we highly recommend their services to our customers and partners.


Learn more about Sseltimil Oy:


Seltimil at their website:


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The Peliosuuskunta Expa and Digi & Game Center are now also members of the National Digital Support Network.


The Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Co-operative) and Digi & Game Center are now also members of the National Digital Support Network. This mark indicates that the organization provides or develops digital support and is committed to adhering to the ethical guidelines for digital support.

Link to Digi & Game Center

Link to network

OP Central Finland The Let’s Do Good Together donations gives help and opportunities for many – Digi & Game Center was selected to receive a significant donation

Teemme yhdessä hyvää -lahjoitus-op-logolla

The Digi & Game Center issued 10 000 euro


The 2021 The Let’s Do Good Together donation pot of EUR 25,000 was widely distributed to actors reaching different target groups. A total of 27 donation applications were received, of which six applicants received donations. The donations were decided by the bank’s board at its August meeting. The Let’s Do Good Together donation campaign is part of OP Central Finland’s responsibility work, which is guided by the bank’s own and OP Financial Group’s responsibility program. The Let’s Do Good Together donation received 27 applications from clubs, associations and other third sector entities operating in the bank’s area of operation. Eighty-five per cent of the applications came from the Jyväskylä region and 15 per cent from elsewhere. Five of the donors are from the Jyväskylä region and one from elsewhere. The need for help is still great and without volunteering, the activities of the associations would not work. The selection of recipients of donations has focused on diversity, different target groups and timeliness. The selection criteria have been activities in line with the bank’s values, i.e. closeness to people, responsibility and success together, regional and target group size effectiveness, and the widest possible consideration of different target and age groups.

Digi & Game Center is a Central Finnish brand founded in 1/2020, an ecosystem operated by Peliosuuskunta Expa. The aim of the activity is to create synergies between companies in the digital and gaming sectors and in other sectors and thus help to create cooperation projects, companies and jobs between companies and educational institutions. The donation supports e.g. space use costs and benefit young entrepreneurs, students, cultural operators and actors in various fields who need help, e.g. digitization or gaming technologies. The activities are international and the aim is also to engage international students and actors in Central Finland. The work is currently done on a voluntary basis. In 2020, the operations helped the creation of 12 companies.

With Peliosuuskunta Expa and Digi & Game Center, we are extremely taken and grateful for this accolade.


Additional information:
Pia Saikkonen, communications manager , pia.saikkonen@op.fi, p. 010 256 5610.
Tuomas Roininen, Vice Chairman, tuomas.roininen@expa.fi p. 050 38 00991

The Digitalisation Act of the year 2020 -award goes to Digi & Game Center


The Digitalisation Act of the year 2020 -award goes to Digi & Game Center


Central Finland’s Chamber of Commerce’s Digitalisation and New Business -committee grants The Digitalisation Act of the year -award annually. This year the award was given to Digi & Game Center which helped to give birth to 12 new businesses and helped companies in the region in the use of game technologies.

With the award Chamber of Commerce of Central Finland wants to highlight Central Finland’s companies that have successfully taken over digitalisation.


“Digitalisation has become part of just about every industry. Such actors and co-operation as Digi & Game Center are needed to bring the growth potential made possible by digitalization to the benefit of companies” says Ari Hiltunen, CEO of the Central Finland Chamber of Commerce.


The jury of committee members justified the choice on the grounds that the Digi & Game Center has successfully helped entrepreneurs in the area to take advantage of game technologies. It has been used in industry, the arts and culture, among other places.


“The operations of Digi & Game Center are worthwhile both in building a new kind of digitalisation center in the Jyväskylä region and in disseminating game technologies outside the game industry itself. Increasing the added value of digitalisation just needs such cross-pollination” says Anssi Kuoppala, Chairman of the Digitalisation and New Business Committee.


The goal of the Digi & Game Center is to create synergies between companies in the digital and gaming industries and other industries, and thus help to create co-operation projects, companies and jobs between companies and educational institutions. Last year, the Digi & Game Center helped creating 12 companies, 8 of which were born during COVID-19.


“We are grateful that we were nominated for the award and were elected. The honour belongs to everyone in our network. We would not exist if we did not have these companies, educational institutions and entrepreneurs involved in the network” says Tuomas Roininen, Chairman of the Peliosuuskunta Expa, Operator of Digi & Game Center.

The ecosystem has been built for nine years. There are now 16 digital and gaming companies involved. At the beginning of last year, more than 400 people attended the opening of the Digi & Game Center alone.

Digi & Game Center is a unique concept


Digi & Game Center is not a company but a Central Finnish brand and concept that is operated by Peliosuuskunta Expa together with others in the ecosystem. The Digi & Game Center co-operates with the city, educational institutes and different businesses like Fingersoft and Amazon.


According to Roininen many regions are reducing their activities related to game-related studies which Central Finland has now begun to increase. The Digi & Game Center’s ecosystems goal is to bring companies and partners together and to get them to know each other.


“We strive to be another living room where a company or cultural representative can come on a low threshold to find a solution that suits their needs. Our desire is to develop the digitalisation of Central Finnish companies and to be the operator who introduces new digital functions at a low threshold” Roininen describes.


Roininen says that sometimes it is difficult for people to understand what game technologies and gamifications really are.


“It doesn’t mean making a game. For example, simulations such as airplane simulators, 3D models, or visual worlds of movies have been implemented with modern gaming technologies. It is good to understand that the same technologies are used in traditional industries. Experts will not be found on the traditional side, but it will have to utilize the multi-experts in the gaming industry, who are currently trained by JAMK and JYU in Central Finland” Roininen elaborates.


The concept has also been quoted abroad. The aim is to export operations abroad in the future as a licensing concept.



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DGC Recruitment Event | 19.5.2021

DGC Recruitment Event banner

Welcome to the first-ever Recruitment Event!

    Event is arranged in cooperation with:

Expa logo
Digi & Game Center Logo

Digi & Game Center in cooperation with Business Jyväskylä will organize the DGC Recruitment Event on 19th of May, 2021 from 15.00 to 17.00! In the event, you can meet the HR personnel and members of the studios from different game companies e.g. Critical Force, Fingersoft, Dazzle Rocks, Zaibatsu, Redlynx and Quicksave.

Signing up for the event is required, and you can do it here. The event will be held online in English. For the attendees, we’ll send the event link and instructions on the 18th of May, 2021 via email.

Why attend?

DGC Recruitment Event is an easy-going and relaxed opportunity to get to know the game companies in a virtual space without hassle and rush. Best bonus? You don’t have to travel! You can attend the event from the comfort of your own home.


Trying to find new location for your company?

Business Jyväskylä offers soft landing service, and it is free of charge; a turn-key package to get you settled and started in Jyväskylä.  Together, you can make a plan with the personnel of Business Jyväskylä to get you established, map out your options for existing premises or a greenfield site for new ones, They will help you also to find the right partners for you in the region, and give you a picture of what staff may be available.

Take the leap and contact us, let’s find the best opportunities for your business in Jyväskylä. You can find their contact information here.


Remember to check out the open positions!
Companies will add all their open positions on Digi & Game Center’s Jobs page. You can find the page here.

Join our events!
Facebook event
LinkedIn event

 … and you won’t miss anything!

Quicksave logo
Red Lynx

Check the open positions at DGC Jobs site:




Awesome Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and Amazon’s AWS Game Tech

Partnership Banner AWS

Digi & Game Center is very excited to announce new awesome partnership with AWS Game Tech


Cloud computing with AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster.


“AWS Game Tech is delighted to have this opportunity to work with Digi & Game Center and Peliosuuskunta Expa. We look forward to this collaboration and aim to provide Digi & Game Center members training, business and technical mentoring as well as access to AWS services and technology to reach a common goal in creating a top-notch gaming ecosystem in the Jyväskylä region.”


says Allison Bilas, Senior Business Development Manager at AWS Game Tech.


We at Digi & Game Center are very excited with this partnership with AWS Game Tech to take services and cloud learnings to the next level with game industry professionals, students, companies, and most of all to be in direct contact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) which is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform to make success stories together.


Learn more about AWS Game Tech:


AWS Game Tech at their website:


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